Guerilla Marketing 
The University of Dayton has a day of learning called the Stander Symposium. We were asked to guerilla market for a specific event. I marketed for the poster session, where thousands of students presented their year long projects. 
This accordion fold installation was used to create a interactive method of marketing. One direction, you see one thing, and the other a different message. The design is all of the names of the posters within the main logo graphic for the symposium. It hung in our student union for the week before the event. I had a lot of fun doing it.
I placed these around campus, most people are texting and looking at the ground while walking to and from class, so I figured this would break up the monotony of grass and cement.
I also had these arrows in trees, but they were taken down before I could snap a photo
I made pins, similar to the "I voted today" pins. Those who participated in the event would be given this pin to wear.
This shirt was worn by staff members who were ran the poster session. 
Simple poster
Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla Marketing

